TLAP compliance overall, and the statistical long-term success rates that it provides, is comprised of three basic phases: 1) TLAP-approved assessments that provide a reliable diagnosis; 2) TLAP-approved treatments that address all diagnoses on a level that is commensurate with treating licensed professionals; and 3) structured recovery monitoring for a duration of time post-treatment.

The components of a TLAP Recovery Agreement in a substance use disorder case reflect the individualized discharge recommendations for the person who has just successfully completed TLAP-approved treatment. The written agreement is a template for success and long-term remission and it requires the person to follow through with all of the post-treatment recommendations of the facility. It also requires random drug and alcohol screens to support total abstinence.

Studies have shown that long-term structured recovery and formal monitoring by a professionals’ program such as TLAP for a period of five (5) years greatly increases the odds that the person will not suffer any recidivism and that recovery will be the expected outcome as opposed to relapse.

Mental Health Agreements are applicable in TLAP cases not involving substance use disorders but instead requiring that persons maintain their ongoing relationships with treating professionals, take medication as prescribed, and follow the advice of mental health care professionals so as to remain unimpaired, fit to practice, and in long term stability in the management of their mental health challenges.

TLAP’s formal monitoring support is designed to support recovery and mental health, objectively verify that the person is currently fit to practice, and that when the monitoring period is completed it is highly likely that the person will remain fit to practice thereafter.