In the last two years, much effort and industry has been dedicated to creating a new non-profit corporation to help TLAP’s participants afford diagnostics and treatment that may be required for TLAP participant and to establish that they are fit to practice law.

This is especially important when a participant has been officially referred to TLAP by the Board of Professional Responsibility or Board of Law Examiners with a demand by those regulatory authorities that the person establish via TLAP that they are fit to practice law.

In these instances, the person referred to TLAP may not have the insurance or funds to complete diagnostics and treatment that is required to objectively establish fitness to practice by clear and convincing evidence.

In such cases, the TLAP Foundation can provide low-cost loans to support TLAP’s participants.

Of note, TLAP has no connection to the TLAP Foundation which is a stand-alone non-profit. Thus, one hundred percent of all donations, proceeds and interest from loans generated by the TLAP Foundation are dedicated to supporting its mission to help insure that funds are available and that no legal professional is deprived the opportunity to be successful in TLAP and establish their fitness to practice.